As it is impossible to shoot reportage

As it is impossible to shoot reportage

How can I make a report and how to report it is impossible to remove. One word, but it will be more informative story about, as it is impossible for something to do. It is common practice. After all, it is impossible to tell how, must be said that, how to.

This is all nonsense, and we move on to more specific things, namely to, removing the photo report from the event and do not make mistakes pile.

We will start with the fact, Who is this article. You see, you can ask me:

And why did you decided to write about the stories. It's more than journalism, But we have about the photo read on this site?

That may be so, but I came here a couple of letters to the post office with a request to tell you about my old survey reports from furniture exhibitions and the Moscow International Automobile Salon. So I decided several accidents hares nail – and photos from the exhibition show, and tell, how not to shoot this kind of coverage.

For whom the written material?

For beginners bloggers and website owners, who decided to first remove, and then another to place on your site fototchet about some event.

so, start. signed was held in Moscow in April this year for any event photographer – Fotoforum 2019.

It's really "cool" in the event that you need to go. Here you and the new technique, and workshops of the recognized masters of photography, and the ability to test a photo equipment.

And of course Photoforum provides the opportunity to be among their own kind :). Feel, you're not alone and that there are people even crazier thyself.


Yes, I almost forgot – more such forums are famous, that the company they are invited to professional models and provide an opportunity for photographers to take pictures of them. And it's really cool – because in this way a beginner freeloader the photographer can not only shoot models to its portfolio, well and learn in a professional combat shooting. Well done girls – they do everything themselves, and you only need to select a shooting point and press the shutter button.

models fotoforume

The people here and worked. Always at the podium a lot of people with cameras and pops gate does not stop.

models fotoforume

Well, you know – wonderful atmosphere here, a paradise for photographers. That's really, It looks like a photographic paradise – a bunch of lenses, cameras, models of flares and all that you can use as you wish – this is Photoforum.


And so we take as an example of such an event, and then remove a small report.

That's what would have made a professional photojournalist, received the editorial task – withdraw a report on Photoforum?

I would come and “on the machine” I wish I could film everything 🙂 That’s why he’s a professional – he already had a plan ready to shoot and spent hundreds of events. We are not professionals and therefore have to start somewhere, not to miss. We need a plan!

1.Where any event begins? With the official opening of – speeches, performances, handshake, ribbon-cutting and other textiles. Well, another meeting with the loaves and girls with these bakery products – also happens. I.e, if we want to remove the official report of the event, something you want or do not want, but will have to come early and wait, until someone will say something pathetically from the rostrum or what they're established. 2-3 Photo dostatochno. As you can imagine, I was too lazy and I do not sealed opening. This is a mistake and a big.

Why? If we want to talk about the event, then just have to show how it starts, who is the organizer of, sponsor, etc.. I.e, at the beginning of reporting should go official information, we illustrate several photos.

2. Any exhibition and the event has the structure – temporary, spatial, zonal division. So we have to tell our photos of, What are the main topics at the event were. for example, stand manufacturer, Conference areas. It's like in the book – the first is the introduction, and now the main part.

I did not do it – I was interested only stands Nikon and Sony.

the Nikon stende

I did not even bother make a couple of shots at the stands of other manufacturers, and there was something to see.

3. At events of this kind is always a lot of lectures and master classes, who spend interesting people – leaders in their niches. And these people always arouse interest – some photos from these lectures and master classes would not hurt for sure. If you're shooting a lecture and master class, I always take pictures of the speaker and his listeners. It is better to take some pictures of the hall – overall plan and focus on someone sitting, plus the person asking the question snapshot.

Of course, within the larger forum of lectures and other events can be held large set and if you do not have obligations, the pofotografiruyu on a pair of appearances the most famous people.

As you can imagine, I missed it. Instead, I was hanging around Nikon booth and experienced at God knows what never lenses

the Nikon stende

4. A report is to be alive, and therefore, except for protocol events need to take pictures of visitors in a relaxed atmosphere. It's like a street photo, Only indoors. It is better to shoot wide open, and with the long of on-site. That is the task I have fulfilled.

the Nikon stende



5. model. Need to say, that not all the activities there are so many beautiful girls, but agree, to look at the men in suits and cheerful businessmen and biznesvumenov dull. It is the organizers themselves and understand why in most exhibitions invite pretty girls as stendistok and models. Couple shots pretty faces only decorate your story. Just do not overdo it – Photographer Couple, rather than two dozen.

models fotoforume

models fotoforume

models fotoforume

6. closing. Also, and that the opening – protocol event. results, signing – it should always be cheerful pictures.

In short, I turned out not report, not understand that – some disparate sketches.

Fotoforum 2019

Fotoforum 2019

Fotoforum 2019

models fotoforume

models fotoforume

But I did not set such a task – remove report. I just had a great time.

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